Iran warned US resistance groups won’t stay silent amid Gaza war; world wants ceasefire: Tehran

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Iran says the resistance groups in the region have repeatedly warned the US and Israel that they will not sit idly by if the occupying regime continues its attacks against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani said that the growing opposition to Israeli crimes in Gaza and the US support for the regime’s atrocities show that nations are dissatisfied with the war and want it to stop.

“The actions of the Zionist regime spark a reaction by the resistance groups in the region. They (the groups) had repeatedly warned the US and the Zionists that if these attacks continue, they will not remain silent,” he said.

“The US and the Zionist regime must understand that they can escape the situation only by stopping the war completely and immediately, allowing the dispatch of humanitarian aid [to the coastal enclave], and ending the forced displacement of the people of Gaza.”

The Iranian diplomat also urged the US government to pay attention to global security and peace and stop its support for Israeli crimes in Gaza instead of asking others to do or end doing something.

Over the past years, he noted, members of US Congress have demonstrated that they are sacrificing the interests of the American people for those of the Zionist regime.

‘Israel blocks entry of aid to Gaza’

Kan’ani git out at the “questionable immunity” granted by the US to Israel, saying it enables the regime to prevent the entry of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

“The Zionist regime has not fulfilled its responsibilities and is preventing the sending of aid [to Gaza]. The amount of aid that has entered [the enclave] is like a drop in the ocean. Only 25 to 40 trucks are allowed to pass borders daily, a number which is very little.”

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